Yikes a Spider Bit Me! Not to Worry When You Have Homeopathy

Yikes a Spider Bit Me! Not to Worry When You Have Homeopathy

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Brown_recluse_spider _2

Crunchy little devils. They sneak around in the back alleys of closets and under garden rocks and rarely show themselves boldly. Their bites can range from a small annoyance to quite painful, even dangerous, depending on the species.

So while it may not prevent us from being bitten, owning a homeopathy kit can be one of best defenses against the pain and injury of a spider bite. Owning one of these nifty medicine boxes filled with antidoting medicines and knowing how to use it can put things right. Indeed, homeopathic medicines have a reputation for minimizing pain, swelling and poisonous effects from the bites of these creatures. It’s actually not unusual to note the soothing effect of the remedy within minutes and its curative ability to tone down the potential long-term sufferings as well.

Non-Poisonous Spiders

Most spider bites are not dangerous to one’s health but can be quite painful. A bite from a non-poisonous spider is best treated like any other insect bite or sting. If the wound appears bluish, with shooting pains and/or feels cool but then feels better when cold is applied, as with an ice compress, the remedy to pull from your kit is Ledum palustre 30. This may be administered every 10 to 30 minutes until the pain subsides. As the pain improves, reduce the frequency and stop once the bite is very much better.

If the bite is hot, swollen and red or looks like hives, try Apis mellifica 30c, administered in the same manner as Ledum, above.

Poisonous Spiders

Poisonous spider bites, on the other hand, while usually not fatal in adults, can cause serious harm and may be fatal in children, the elderly and those with compromised immune systems. The venom can cause muscle cramping, blistering sores, nausea, chills, difficulty breathing and fever.

Brown Recluse

The brown recluse spider likes to live in dark, undisturbed places inside the house, such as under furniture, inside closets, inside heating vents and conduits, in cracks, and among old books, boxes, toys and clothes or outside under rocks or inside hollow tree trucks. This spider is nocturnal, shy and usually non aggressive. It can live up to six months without food or water, hiding in its lair during the day and roaming about at night.

People are most often bitten when they touch a spider that is caught between a part of the body and another surface, for example, hiding inside clothing or shoes or under furniture. Bites may also happen, somewhat rarely, to a sleeping person when the spider climbs up the bed sheets.

At first, the area around the bite appears swollen but may not become painful until hours later. The area then turns red and hardens. It can eventually turn into an ulcer with a dry bottom, blue or gray borders and a red center. Other symptoms include fever, joint pain, shivering, nausea and vomiting. Healing can take months and may leave a scar. In serious cases, surgery may be needed to remove necrotic tissue.

The primary remedy is Lachesis 30C, administered three times over 24 hours. If the wound becomes septic or develops red stripes extending from the wound site, Pyrogenium 30c may be administered every 10 to 30 minutes. If no improvement is seen with Lachesis, and the wound is cold to the touch, consider Ledum 30C.

Black Widow

The black widow is perhaps the most common poisonous spider in North America. It can be found throughout the United States but is mainly located in the southern and western regions of the country. It can be easily identified by its black body and the distinctive red hourglass pattern on its back. The female is also known for biting and eating the male after mating.

The initial bite may feel like a pinprick, but severe pain at the bite site and an overall numbness soon set in. Other symptoms include painful cramping, rigidity of the abdominal muscles, difficulty breathing, sweating, dizziness, nausea and vomiting. In pregnant women, the bite of the black widow may induce early delivery.

Again, the first remedy to consider is Lachesis, one dose every 10 to 30 minutes until improvement is seen. If no improvement ensues after several doses, the alternative choice is Latrdectus mactans 30C, a remedy made from the black widow spider.

If you live in an area where poisonous spiders abound or travel to areas that do, having these remedies in your homeopathy kit can save you and your family from considerable pain and suffering. And once you’ve discovered their therapeutic facility, you’ll likely be interested in learning how these little gems root out other illnesses as well.


P.S. ~Should you  like to learn how to be prepared for not just heat crises, but all types of first aid and even serious conditions, take a look at my new guide, The Survivalist Guide to Homeopathy.


Joette Calabrese, HMC,CCH, RSHom is homeopath, educator and mom who raised her now adult children using only homeopathy, nutrient dense foods and some herbs as their medicine. Today she teaches families how she did this on her blog at www.JoetteCalabrese.com and in her on line classes.

12 Responses to Yikes a Spider Bit Me! Not to Worry When You Have Homeopathy

  1. Do you now of any remedies for rattle snake bites? Are the bites fatal?
    We live in rattle snake country.

    Lois Rosenfeld

    • Yes. Do stay posted in 30 days we will be releasing the Survivalist Guide to Homeopathy. The Guide will have remedy selections for many snake bites as well spider and other poisonous creatures.

  2. So, if one is bitten by a brown recluse spider do you only take 3 doses of Lachesis 30 in the first day or can you take it 3x daily until the bite is better??

  3. If you don’t know what type of spider bit you, would you assume it was poisonous and start with one of those remedies or start with a remedy for a non-venomous spider bite? Thank you!!

  4. I’m a little confused on one point, please. If the wound has gone septic, do you continue taking Lachesis and ADD IN Pyrogenium in rotation or do you abandon Lachesis and switch to using only Pyrogenium? Thank you very much Mrs. Calabrese! Can’t wait to take this course!

    • We always look at whats presenting. If venom is the concern (reaction to it via swelling, etc.) then we use the remedy for venom. If its sepsis that’s presenting, we use the medicine for sepsis. Remember, homeopathy is medicine hence we use what is needed based on the presenting condition.

      • Thank you Mrs. Calabrese! I ended up using both remedies for two Black Widow bites as they were presenting with both symptom pictures (the bites were 6 days old by the time my friend came to me). It looked nasty as you can imagine, but within an hour of starting the remedies and soaking in diluted hypericum, the intense pain was GONE, swelling visibly reduced and they went from feeling on fire to just warm… incredible!! The pictures are dramatic. To say I love homeopathy would be an understatement! To say I’m grateful for the information you share would not be enough either. Thank you again and again!

  5. Mrs. Calabrese,

    There is something which has been niggling my brain for awhile now… isopathy vs. homeopathy (or the cute word you made up last night, “exactopathy”). I’ve noticed that you often suggest a similar remedy to try first and then if that selection fails to act, moving on to the exact remedy. For instance, Lachesis for black widow spider bites or in your recent facebook live, Caladium for tobacco addiction. If those don’t work, then you offer the idea of moving on to Latrdectus mactans or Tabacum respectively.

    My question is this, do you generally approach selecting a remedy by going for “homeo” as a 1st line and “iso” as a 2nd line? Do you ever routinely turn to “iso” first? I’m confused as there are, no surprise, many opinions out there. There are prestigious opinions on both sides. For example, regarding poisonous snake bites, the “exacto” side has Dr. Dorothy Shepherd and Alan Schmukler both stressing to use the exact remedy when at all possible. Truthfully, I personally hold your opinion higher, and so may I surmise, that you are of the “homeo” first persuasion? Thank you so very much!

  6. A few years ago my daughter was bitten by a black widow spider. After applying a fresh plantain poultice we rushed to the ER (with our little black widow in a jar). No pain had begun and the doctor (doing his best) removed the plantain, marveled at her lack of pain, prescribed Tylenol with codeine, and sent us home. The pain began as we left the ER and was severe. We gave her Tylenol WITHOUT codeine, but the pain was excruciating. Then, after having recently learned of Joette’s blog, we looked up her recommendation and purchased Lachesis mutus 30 from a local store and administered it every 15 minutes. After the 4th dose, the results were shocking! She went from writhing in pain to smiling and even laughing a little. In about 10-15 minutes the pain intensified again and we gave another dose. Within a minute or two, she was smiling again! Amazing! Slowly we were able to give less frequently and the pain eventually disappeared. A couple of years later while moving wood she was bitten again and we immediately gave Lachesis mutus 30 and it helped again, with the situation being much less dramatic. We ended up giving a dose whenever mild symptoms presented over the course of a few days. (And I think Helleborus niger for her memory problems from the bite.) It was obvious that God used the Lachesis to help her pain and we are so glad to have an option other than codeine. Thank you so much, Joette, for sharing. I continue to study on.

  7. Hello, Joette! Are 200 potencies in Ledum, Lachesis and Apis used in the same manner as the 30s in this case?

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